Here's what my day looked like BEFORE achieving these breakthroughs:
1. Cold calling, messaging and doing manual outreach to drum up some new business. This happened when we NEEDED clients and were short on time already, and the process for this wasn’t really optimized at all.
Some months were easier than others, but we didn’t know whether it would be 'feast or famine'. It was common to waste DAYS OR WEEKS tediously customizing messages and then trying to start a productive conversation with the rare few prospects who respond.
2. When we finally did get positive responses, we often had to play phone or email tag trying to find a time on the calendar that works for us AND the necessary decision-makers. Sometimes it would take MULTIPLE meetings to get anywhere… and responses could take even more days (if you run a traditional agency you know how this goes!)
Ultimately, many of these prospects stopped responding, or never showed up to the call.
3. Our seat-of-the-pants 'process' involved manually walking clients through our offer on an individual basis, trying to customize and personalize our services to land the deal, and negotiating heavily on our fees to close them, because we needed all the clients we could get.
4. Because of this, what we ended up doing was manually dependent, inconsistent and definitely unoptimized. When we did land a client, we now needed to manually edit and send contracts, before attempting all the client onboarding steps (that was different for every one) and then deal with all the customized services we had promised them.
5. Then we were faced with actually DELIVERING the services and trying to do so in an efficient way. What should have been a solid success at that point, usually turned into a calamity of confusion, staff working at cross-purposes, early client dissatisfaction and a loss of control.
The delivery steps usually took priority since our revenue was shaky, and we dedicated most of our time to delivery of services - so our client-getting fell by the wayside.
As a result, we were constantly chained to our computers, phones, and desks - working evenings, weekends, and even during vacations just to keep the agency afloat!
And no matter what we tried, we couldn't seem to break through the $20k in revenue every month consistently, let alone $40k, $60k, or $100k, because we just never have enough time to do it all at once and consistently.
That was Almost 4 Years ago, And fast forward to today and it almost seems like a bad dream
Soon to enjoy a great meal, the Gaddis Fam poses for a quick pic!
Chatting with friends and writing this copy you’re reading.
I have more than a very high and growing income, I have the kind of freedom only retired people and multi-millionaires have.
Unlike other agency owners, who spend 12 hour days trying to keep their business afloat, wrestling with constant problems and losing clients right and left...
I did that for years, I know how it works, and it not only drove me crazy…
It drove me to the point where I was working harder and seeing LESS NEW BUSINESS!
Instead of me growing my agency and pulling in more revenue, I was seeing a crazy shrinkage in overall business and no increase in revenue!
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Lazy Agency Owner Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
NOW I rely on the EXACT Tools, systems and processes pulled directly from our working agency... Those allow me to massively increase monthly revenue while easily maintaining a personal life.
Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to have have a growing, profitable agency, here’s what it looks like now..
And The Result Of Using This New Way?
Which Naturally Leads To...
A sense of pride... especially when I bring my latest accounting records to my CPA... not because I'm happy to pay more taxes, (I'm NOT) but because it's more tangible evidence to me that my agency is achieving bigger and bigger goals and the future is very bright.
After struggling for years, we have crossed $1 million in sales for the first time in 2023, with no signs of slowing down!
The really cool thing is that…
If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with VERY similar results and you get that with far less stress and a feeling of security, maybe for the first time.
But it’s much more than that...
It’s Actually About Being Able to FINALLY Control Your Own Destiny While Never Being A Slave To Your Agency Again...
People will claim the key to success is a bankroll big enough to withstand any market downturn, which could work if you have access to tons of capital...
Or being the Low Price Services Leader until you realize you have no profit...
Or adopting a policy of over promising but not being able to deliver...
Or being unaware and unwilling to follow latest market trends...
Or creating an "outsourced" virtual agency and losing control...
Meanwhile, my $100,000+ a month agency has been growing at this rate for the last 3 years... and shows no sign of slowing down.
Now, speaking of the model...
I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.
Here it goes:
I am going to be revealing some powerful never-talked-about approaches that 99% of agency owners are not aware of. And I know that disclosing this could impact my own business... but I feel I have to take a stand. The truth matters.
And the other gurus out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn't work).
The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is They Sell Themselves As A Commodity Because They Think The Market Requires It
Here’s why:
There are two types of Agency Owners out there.
There are the "Desperate Doers" and there are the "Process Players".
For my first 4 years - I was a Desperate Doer.
Desperate Doers are always out there trying to squeeze a deal out of almost anything. They see the whole thing as throwing a bunch of crap against the wall... and see what sticks.
Their strategy is to translate being super busy into revenue, even if the profit is missing.
And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..
- Working with unqualified clients who are driven by greed.
- Doing endless spec presentations that result in nothing.
- Not training new staff (or letting existing people train them).
No plan, no process, just shooting from the hip.
All of this requires time and energy. It's tiring and leads to discouragement.
The problem isn't the model itself it's lack of focus and poor planning.
And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Lazy Agency Owner model.
STOP Selling Services. Present Your Agency as One Who Will Dive DEEP Into Their Business — Willing to Roll up Your Sleeves, and Plug The Cash-Leaks in Their Sales Process…
This Holistic Approach Beats The Start-Stop-Project-Basis Everytime.
So here's the Million Dollar idea behind the Lazy Agency Owner Model: Systemization, Delegation, Automation And Execution
That's Right - given a choice they rather Design Their Agency Around the Lazy Agency Owner Model than THE OLD WAY
And that's where the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit comes in...
It does this beautifully in 6 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here.
When you launch your agency using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.
I’m not saying the old agency model is bad.
What I’m saying if your goal is to enjoy a healthy balance between work life and personal life, the "hard work solves all problems strategy" might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!
The old way to run and grow an agency does require effort, but not anything like most owners are doing...more long days and weekends, endless meetings and constant setbacks in client-getting don't produce better results.
BUT, but by using the systems and processes pulled directly from our working agency, this allows you to massively increase monthly revenue WITHOUT the back-breaking work that will never lead to success.
And that's why this is different: WORKING HARDER IS NOT THE ANSWER.
And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
You can build an agency that mirrors what you have been wanting all along.
And once you start using this Lazy Agency Owner model...
Getting good quality clients isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.
It’s something that will happen automatically and consistently if you just stick with the process.
STOP working for your agency and start having your agency work for YOU.
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 40 days from today.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the The Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit.
That’s when you’ll start seeing your first results.
That’s how easy this is.
I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
And Just A Few Years Ago… i’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…
…But, today I know better. I understand, this may seem magical, but its 100% true.
I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to build a successful agency and hope to enjoy the income and lifestyle you deserve...
I promise you this…
Anyone can build a dream agency with the right model (more on this below)..
Ultimately I want you to know one thing..
If I Can Do This, So Can You!
and here's another reason
you too can do this
Here’s The exact 4 Step System Revealed in the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit For Building A High-Profit Agency
Step 1 - We show you EXACTLY how to hire commission sales reps that do your prospecting and selling for you. Your time and your staff's time is freed up to run the agency and build an unlimited income.
Step 2 - We show you how to set up proven funnels that bring you high value clients so you can start eliminating the low value ones. That process outlined in the Lazy Agency Owners Toolkit turns any agency into a profit-rich agency in record time.
Step 3 - We show you the proven processes that helped us identify the 3 BEST SELLING SERVICES TO SELL. These services attract the most local clients and will provide you with the best fees and excellent profit margins.
Step 4 - We teach you how to remove yourself as owner from the day-to-day turmoil and be able to focus on medium and long term growth without endless distractions. THIS is the only way to make true progress and end up with a fully Automated Agency.
Those are the 4 steps to building a high-profit agency in record time.
All of this is revealed in the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit in step-by-step detail.
The Toolkit makes this a fully automatic approach to building a self-sustaining agency for the person that seeks recurring income, steady profits and the freedom to enjoy it!
And that's not all, because...
here's what else you're going to discover in the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit
Want to ramp up with new employees fast? Hire new employees from this source, if you also know what to avoid. (Hint: It's not any common job site)
What Document Sharing Platform Is Working Best For Us Distributing Information To Our Teams.
Our Refined And Perfected Intake System For New Clients - THE MAJOR TIME & HASSLE SAVER.
Our Multi-Step Process To Managing Client Expectations. Our Fall-Out Rate Is VERY Low And This Is Why.
How We Manage Work Flows So Everyone Knows WHO Is Doing WHAT At All Times. This Is A Killer Process!
We Overhauled Outsourcing!...Our Process Leaves No Questions As To What SHOULD Be Outsourced And What Shouldn't. (And Steps To Do It).
Social Media Mgmt Can Be A Real Pain UNLESS You Follow Our Precise Step-By-Step Process.
Getting Paid Month After Month Takes A Strategy. We Show You How To Invoice And Always Get Paid- Rather Than Chasing Clients For Money.
Successfully Running A Project Can Be A Challenge... You'll Watch Over Our Shoulder As We Manage One From Start To Finish.
How To Build A Fully Automated, Hands-Off Agency In Just 6 Months. Totally Possible, If You're Motivated.
How We Sell SEO And How We Manage The Ongoing Process. (One Of The Most Important Areas We Cover)
Go Inside Our Paid Media Campaigns For Social Media...And Copy What We're Doing Right Now.
The Secrets Of Fulfilling Our Top 3 Services That Sold Over 1 Million In 2023.
Working REMOTELY From Anywhere Yet Staying On Top Of Everything. (This Should Be Your Long Range Goal.)
Our Twist That Turns Website Development Into A PRODUCT For Scalability. Critical Information.
How We Build And Maintain Websites For Clients. (Without Making It A Full Time, Grinding Job).
This Is KEY: Our Process To Centralize Client Information For Web Development Projects Is Yours Now.
Watch Us Build AUTHORITY Through Portfolio And Client Reviews.
What Works Best: Building A 'Killer' Website Portfolio That Sells Your Digital Agency.
PLUS, We Give You OUR PORTFOLIO Page To Use And To Lend You More Credibility!
The Biggest Barrier To Scaling Your Business Is Not 'Productizing' Your Website Design! (This Will Seem Counterintuitive, But You Can't Grow Without It.)
The Website Discovery Pages We Use.(And You Need To Copy. This Is Where QUALITY CONTROL Starts.)
How And When To Engage The Outsourcer And Web Developer - The Process Dictates It All.
Our Formula For Presenting The Client With Their New Website... And Handling Changes. If You Don't Have This Whole Thing Controlled, Your $8,000 Website Sale Could Come Crashing Down.
The WRONG Way To Show The Client Their New Website.(BTW, This Is The Way 90%+ Of Developers Do It)
How To Get 2/3rds Of The Price Quote Upfront - And NOT Have Any Resistance. We Do It Everyday.
After The Website Is Finalized, THIS Crucial Step Is Necessary. Miss It, And You Blow A Big Opportunity.
One Person Is Our Entire Google Ads Department (Running Ads For 20+ Clients). Discover What We're Doing.
How We NEVER Front ANY Money For Our PPC Clients.
When You're Low On Funds You May Bring In FRACTIONAL Project Managers. (All Explained)
A Design Trick That Combines A Home Page With A Landing Page -- Can You Say Slick?
Inside Look At Sales, Costs And Profit Breakdown For Our PPC Campaigns. What Can I Say, It's The Key To The Vault.
How We Reward PPC Managers AND Incentivize Them.
How We Incentivize Project Managers So Their Goals Align With Ours.
Are You Better Served To Have A LOCAL Outsourcer Or Not?
New Lead Programs We're Testing. You'll Hear About The Results. (We're Never Afraid To Try Something.)
We’ll also show you how to never spend more than 20 hours a week working in your agency... while enjoying a personal lifestyle that will make you smile everyday!
If plenty of income, time and location independence, and freedom the typical agency headaches is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.
Plus I'm Going To Give You A Behind-The-Scenes Sales Call Recording Of Us Closing A $1,500/Month Client
Behind-The-Scenes Sales Call Recording
There’s no better feeling than landing a new deal! Recurring income is great... But there's still something special about that brand new deal. In this behind-the-scenes video, Nick talks to a cold prospect... and closes him for $2k/month!
Not only do you get to hear the call, Nick also breaks down how he goes into sales calls with enough confidence to actually strike a deal. Plus, you get our complete "Strategy Session Framework" that walks you step-by-step through the closing process.
And Before You Download The Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…
And you’re probably wondering:
“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…
So there has to be a “catch”…
And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn't one of them.
There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I'm literally giving you this entire toolkit, for $27, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
The truth is...
I was planning on selling this toolkit for $67, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.
Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.
Then I sold the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit for $47 and over [INSERT HOW MANY PEOPLE] people downloaded it at that price....
...Which was was great, but then I realized hey - this is a digital toolkit it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.
The truth is...
I was planning on selling this toolkit for $297, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.
Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.
But then I realized hey - this is a digital toolkit it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.
By lowering the price to $27 it allows me to impact more people and help them Turn A Small Agency Into A Self-Generating Giant Revenue Machine
I consider that at true win/win...
Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the toolkit at this price.
It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one toolkit.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.
I'm betting that you'll enjoy the toolkit so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me.
Pretty straightforward.
Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
This short document may be the most valuable item on this page. Through years of testing and tweaking, we've arrived at what we consider the perfect digital agency service offering. Now, we're handing it to you. You'll discover the exact high-profit recurring services to focus on, plus get our recommended pricing for each.
And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the toolkit.
Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $776.00:
- Your Vacation Exercise
- Creating SOPs Training & Master Template
- How To Scale A Fully-Automated Agency
Oh. And in case you're wondering ...
Of course there's a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it's ...
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.
I know that before I get into anything…
…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.
And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.
And even though it’s only $27.
Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…
So here’s what I’ve arranged:
Download the Toolkit, watch the videos, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.
And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.
Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.
We’ll refund you your $27 and let you keep the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit free of charge.
How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
so Here’s How To Order Today...
Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.
Price: $5.60
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Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
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Download The Toolkit For $297.00 Just $27! Delivered instantly. Start using in the next 2 minutes.
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I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit.
Until then, to your success,
Tom Gaddis
P.S. Remember, the Lazy Agency Owner's Growth Toolkit comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.
Download it, read it, implement it, get results.
And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.